Do You Want A Night to Remember?
The best compliment to a bride and groom is for years later after their wedding day for one of their guest to walk up and say I remember your wedding reception as one of the best ones I have every been. What an impression to make on someone. With a professional entertainer this is the kind of response you can expect. To have fun at a wedding reception takes more that than playing music by your disc jockey. It takes many talents all rolled into one important aspect of your special evening. You should expect these traits in a professional DJ that will make your evening a night to remember.
This is just a sample of what you can expect from a professional entertainer. Most of us are only human and many times only special thing about an event will stand out in our minds. Ø For the most part your guest will not remember what your decoration looked like. Ø They will not be able to recall what type of invitations you had or your flower arrangements. Ø To be honest with you, they probably are not going to remember the exact music that was play at the reception. WHAT will stand
out in their minds years after your reception is how much fun they had. They
will remember how the Master of Ceremonies conducted himself, they will probable
remember that they danced all night long. These are just a few of the memories that you want
your guest to take away from the evening.
To make this a night to remember for everyone there are some planning aspects that need to be considered. With each of our wedding contract, we provide a Wedding Planner, a tool that will be used through the evening to provide the best possible entertainment based on your music preferences and desires. This tool will be used to coordinate events such as: Ø The Introduction of the Bride and Groom Ø The cutting of the Cake Ø The First Dance Ø The throwing of the Bouquet and the Garter Ø Along with other activities to make your evening A Night to Remember! You can put a lot of time, energy, money into planning and preparing for your wedding reception but remember the success of the evening ultimately rests on the abilities of the DJ to but your guest at easy, motivate them to party, laugh, and have fun all night long. Sound Entertainment is a professional entertainment company and you can expect only professional and courteous service from our DJ’s and entertainers. We take time in the months leading up to your big day to consult and plan the steps that are needed to make the night a perfect evening. With this attention to detail by Sound Entertainment you can relax and have the time of your life.
This site last modified: 06/19/07 |